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COVID Positive

Hello everyone. I just wanted to give an update as to where I have been lately. If you're a KLBK viewer, you may wonder why I have not been on the air recently. I tested positive for COVID-19 on November 11. My symptoms were stuffy, runny nose and sneezing, as well as loss of taste and smell and muscle soreness. The stuffy, runny nose and sneezing lasted for a day and were worse than seasonal allergies. I still have no taste, or smell, which from what I understand, may persist a while.

I immediately went into the standard isolation, per CDC guidelines. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers. It seems as though I am lucky and only have a mild case.

Please take this virus seriously. Stay home, unless you have to go get groceries, or have a doctor's appointment, or something like that. Also, wear a mask! Lubbock's COVID numbers have surged so much that we no longer have hospital beds available. That is obviously bad news for those with severe cases. I know many are tired of the virus, but trust me, COVID is no joke. You need to take this seriously!

Thank you and I hope to be back at work soon!




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